4 Ways to Get More Productivity From Your Team in Q4

The 4th quarter can be a challenging time for companies. You want to end the year on a positive note, however, your team might be feeling less-than-productive, especially heading into the holidays. How can you ramp up energy and motivation, so you meet year-end goals? Here are 4 tips to help.

#1: Put employee relationships first.

Strive to get to know your people, so you understand what’s important to them – and what will best motivate them. You might be surprised by what you find out. It’s best not to make assumptions, but instead to get to know each individual on your team in a personal way, such as about their families and hobbies, so you can then incentivize in a customized way them to meet key performance goals.

#2: Offer incentives.

Once you have a good handle on your team and what will motivate each individual, vary incentives or allow them to choose. For instance, for those with young families, perhaps extra vacation days would be an ideal motivator for reaching certain goals. For others, it might be a cash bonus, tickets to a special event, or another type of perk or reward.

#3: Keep work-life balance top of mind.

More than ever, employees want to enjoy a healthy work-life balance. They don’t want to feel stretched thin or overwhelmed. It’s why it’s important to make work-life balance a part of your company culture and help your employees maintain a positive one through perks and benefits, like gym memberships, free financial counseling, benefits towards child care, and more.

#4: Consider remote or hybrid schedules.

If all your team is onsite, consider whether it’s time to offer the option to telecommute, whether each day or on a hybrid schedule. This way, you’re giving your employees the chance to choose what works best for them and their unique lifestyle. They’ll be able to get work done in a way that’s a fit for their needs, making them happier and more productive in the process.

Get help hiring hard-working employees.

If hiring is a part of your year-end objective, or for the start of the New Year, turn to Provisional Recruiting. Our Spokane staffing firm can handle the sourcing, screening, interviewing, skills testing, background checks, and so much more, while you focus on other priorities. Learn more now.