Start Planning for 2023 Hiring NOW

When you know you’re going to hire in the year ahead, it’s important to start planning for it now. To do that, you’ll need to establish a recruiting strategy that serves as your foundation for hiring in 2023. Here are some tips to get started with.

Set hiring goals.

Before launching a hiring initiative, make sure you know what you want to achieve with new employees. What goals are you trying to accomplish in 2023 and how will new hires help you do that? What specific roles are you looking to fill and what skills are most important? Answering questions like these will help you to formulate a plan and hire the best-fit people.

Identify candidate personas.

When you’re hiring, having a candidate persona in place will help you to find the strongest contenders and weed out the weak ones. The persona should include everything from educational background to skills, experience and other must-have qualifications. You should also outline soft skills too to ensure the new hire is a good match for the company culture. Personas will be different depending on each position, but they will help you to better identify the right candidates for each opening.

Create compelling job descriptions.

Job descriptions need to appeal to top candidates. If you simply list what you’re looking for in a new hire, then you’ll miss out on the opportunity to explain what you can offer to employees and why they would want to work for you. Make sure you’re focusing on the candidate too in your job descriptions, so you’re attracting highest caliber ones.

Determine recruiting methods.

Where will you promote your job postings? Again, this will be different depending on the role you’re trying to hire for. But outlining where you will advertise and recruit – whether it’s online job boards, on social media, through job fairs, in person networking, or with the help of a Northwest recruiting agency – will help you to outline various tactics and keep track of each one.

Develop a timeline.

Once you have these pieces in place, identify a timeline for hiring. Do you need to recruit new people immediately in the New Year or later, down the line? Make sure each goal and position has a date attached to it, so you can track your progress.

Get help with your recruiting plan for 2023.

At Provisional Recruiting, our Northwest recruiting agency can meet your hiring and staffing needs in the year ahead, starting with a plan. We can then handle the sourcing, screening and hiring, while you tackle other business priorities. Contact us today to get started.