Career growth and development doesn’t simply happen by accident or luck. It’s a conscious decision based on a bigger picture idea of where you want your career to go. It involves everything from the small daily choices you make on the job to the larger steps you take that require more time and effort to achieve.
So what are some ways you can consciously work toward adopting a growth mindset when it comes to your career and take it to new heights? Here are some tips to help you get started.
Embrace the power of learning.
Don’t look at learning as finishing a course or seminar, or reading an industry-related book. Learning should be a career-long commitment and it should be a part of your regular habits. Seek out different ways to learn, whether in person or online, accept unexpected opportunities that come your way, and keep your mind open to continuing to step outside of your comfort zone.
Expect mistakes and setbacks.
Mistakes happen to everyone and aren’t a failure. Instead, look at them as another opportunity for learning. What you tried didn’t work out. But what did you gain from the experience? You can actually learn more from your failures and mistakes than your successes. So don’t waste setbacks and instead use them to improve how you make decisions, set goals, and manage your career.
Look for challenges and step outside your comfort zone.
Don’t be afraid to stretch yourself and look for new and different ways to expand your skill set. When you take on more challenging roles or assignments, you’re setting yourself up to meet new people, expand your skill set, and propel your career in a big way. If you’ve been in your safe zone for a while, it’s time to step outside out of it and seek new challenges.
Invite feedback and insight into your strengths and weaknesses.
Nobody likes to ask for criticism and feedback, but it’s an essential part of career development. If you truly want to grow, then you need to know your strengths and weaknesses. Once you do, you can work to improve in key areas, advancing your career in the process.
Keep an open mind about what you can do.
Set goals that are just a little further than what you think you can do. Push yourself to go beyond your previously held expectations for your abilities. When you don’t put limits on yourself and keep an open mind, you’ll be surprised by what you can achieve.
Get help with career advancement.
At Provisional Recruiting, let us connect you with leading jobs in and around Spokane, so you can take that next big step in your career. Find out more by searching our jobs today.